Monday, September 15, 2008

Learning to keep silent.

As a wife and mother you want to make the life of your loved ones easier. You automatically think you have to take the decisions out of their hands and just do everything for them. The reality is however, that you are NOT helping anyone at all when you are trying to change their world on them.

Right now I am trying to just keep silent when I watch my loved ones run head forward into problems. As a female I am very intuitive and often can sense issues coming our way before the others in my home have their fingers put on them.

My hubby is a good man and he doesn't need me to tell him what to do. I know that he can make his own wise decisions and I respect him. It is still hard at times not to try to pamper him the wrong way. I am so used to dealing with kids, but ever since I learned to curb my talking a bit and just let him do his own thing again and me concentrate on mine our marriage is getting almost amazing. Ladies, take it from me, you would be surprised what a bit of quiet time will do for a man. Give him love and respect, not mothering!

The harder part is letting my daughter run into her own walls and make her own mistakes. I hate it. Personally I think that my poor tongue will have deep ridges soon from biting it so hard and often.