Saturday, November 22, 2008

Getting ready for Thanksgiving.

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Thanksgiving is right around the corner again and I am wondering just how many of us really feel thankful for what has happened this year.
It is extremely difficult to fell grateful when you or your spouse lost their job, when another person in your family died, or you are just about to lose your home.
It is difficult to remember that there is someone that loves us, when depression is eating away on your mind and soul. It is even more difficult when you can't even put the traditional meal on your table to feed those that are going to pretend to be grateful.

But perhaps there is something we have to be grateful for afterall. If you are reading this Blog Post right now, you can be grateful that you have access to a way to gather information regardless how useless you may find it at the moment.
If you still have a roof over your head that keeps you warm at night and dry in the rain, the you can be grateful because there are so many people out there who don't.
If you are currently depleting your savings account just to make ends meet and buy food or pay those bills, then be thankful that you even still have that savings account to use.
If you have a family that is still together even in these hard times, then you better hit the ground and thank whomever you believe in because they have not deserted you when times got tough.
Thursday is Thanksgiving in my house and I have been watching my income drop daily, my bills are barely paid and the food that I have in the house is not easy come by. But I have a family that I can feed on Thursday even if it is only 2 people left to me, I have a meal that may not be as huge as it once was, but it will feed them easily. I still have a roof over my head and I still have loving arms that can hold those I care about then times make it tough to remember what we should be grateful for.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.